South Canyon Lutheran Church Reaches Students With Food

Nicolette Dame

South Canyon Lutheran Church members serve Walking Taco to Stevens Students and Staff.

Imagine inviting 1500 of your closest neighbors over for lunch. That’s exactly what South Canyon Lutheran Church has done for its neighbors since the early 2000s.

This past Tuesday, 222 of those neighbors showed up to eat Walking Taco.

And they will do it several more times this year. The congregation of South Canyon Lutheran comes together to cook for, and feed, the staff, and students of Stevens High School.

Deanna Darr, the former youth coordinator for the church says she started offering free lunch as a way to reach out to the students. “After all, Darr said. “They are just across the parking lot and they are our neighbors.”

Vice President of Council Visibility, Diane Tschetter, says the response has always been very positive, and most importantly the act of kindness has intrigued students nearly for two decades. “The kids always ask us, ‘why are you feeding us?'” Tschetter said. “And our church delegation just smiles and says, ‘it’s because we care about you!'”

South Canyon Lutheran Church says they hope to continue serving this special lunch, in an effort to let their neighbors know that the church is a space place, and all are welcome at any-time.

Tschetter and Darr both had children who atteneded Stevens. “I wanted to give back for the great education and experience our children received at Stevens,” Tschetter said. “I know my own kids would have loved free lunch, and it’s wonderful to have so many people willing to prep, serve, and bake as well.”

Tschetter says that the congregation has embraced this ministry, and plans to continue serving the students and staff multiple times a year.  The next lunch will be hosted on Tuesday, Dec. 13th.