Report Card with A+ or Plus stamped on it within a yellow envelope to show your results, score, evlatuion, rating or review for a class or course
Sixty-one percent of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 feel stress over producing satisfactory grades. A high school student isn’t worried about making it to class on time, or getting their assignments turned in before the deadline. They are worried about how their parents are going to react seeing their report card. From opening the envelope to seeing their parents’ facial expressions, can cause stress in a teenager.
Stevens senior Ashton Unterbrunner, said “I don’t think they really serve a purpose because you can see anything on Skyward that’s on your report card.” Which is true, everything you find on your report card can be found on Skyward. There should be no surprises, however many kids don’t show their parents their grades throughout the quarter/semester due to the fact that they want to hide it from them. Sophomore Brady Waddell. He feels that report cards don’t tell who a person is, “Some kids believe they are thought of on how good their grades are or GPA, however no one is like this. Everyone is their own person, just because you have a bad grade doesn’t mean you are a bad person.” Lastly, junior Lily Schad said, “Personally I feel like they are really humbling and don’t prove anything about a person.” She has a point, there will be a time when you think your grades are much better than you believe, then your report card comes out, it humbles you. It shows what you need to get done, and honestly motivates you to do better in the future.
Do report cards pressure students? This is very controversial as many kids think having a grade below a C pressures them into doing better. This can either be good or bad. Waddell responded with, “Yes, because I want to have good grades so that colleges see it and at the same time, I don’t want them to see if I have a bad grade”. For kids who are in sports, colleges tend to look at report cards. But this is not the only think they look at, they focus on your whole high school career, including many other tests you take, not just your grades. Schad thinks that report cards can pressure students. This can have a good or bad outcome. Good because it can motivate you, bad because you can get stressed out easily and start doing worse than before.
Either way, there are teenagers in the high school world who worry about their report cards, because it gets mailed to your home, where your parents, and siblings can look at. Some find this frustrating because if you are doing bad, then it shows. Unterbrunner says he doesn’t worry. Schad responded with, “Yes, because my parents will see my grades”. This is almost every high schooler response. No one wants their parents to see their grades.
Overall, report cards can do good and bad things. They not only put you in your place if you are doing poorly but allow you to think ahead and see what you can do better. The more you second guess yourself about your report card, the more you get stressed. Stress is a great factor of doing poorly. As a high school student no one needs that extra weight on their chest.