Blood Drive Draws Donors

Kendall Noga

Lindsey Anderson donated blood during the Blood Drive on Octoer 28th.

Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets. And Each year, an estimated 6.8 million people in the U.S. donate blood.

Stevens staff and students did their part to contribute to the effort at its first blood drive of the year on Friday, October 28.

The goal was to raise 60 units of blood and organizers said the goal was exceeded because they were able to acquire 63 units. This is thanks to the 70 donors plus donors that were willing to contribute to the efforts. 

Mr. Van Rosendale, Stevens teacher, and promoter of the blood drive talked about how he was very happy with the outcome of the first drive, “Thank you to anyone that helped and donated. We look forward to having more people sign up next time.”

If you were unable to donate this time, please be aware there will be another opportunity to sign up for the next blood drive coming up in April.