Football managers get ready for game day.
The managers of the Stevens Raiders football team play a key role behind the scenes, mixing hard work with fun. Freshman, Manuela Figueiredo–Fornos, says, “I like managing football because it’s nice to hang out with my friends who also manage, and it’s a fun after–school activity.”
This social side is a big part of why many enjoy their role, but there are downsides as well. “One thing I don’t like about managing is how it seems like football practice goes on forever,” talking about the long hours they put in. Freshman, Alyse Hammond, shares similar feelings, saying, “I like managing because it gives me time to be outside and I met really nice people.” However, she admits, “The days are hard and stressful,” highlighting the challenges of supporting the team.
Sophomore, Carrie Brown, brings a funny twist to her experience, saying, “I hate football management when the players yell ‘water, water, water,’” but she loves “when me and the others are having fun and making memories.” These moments of laughter and teamwork create strong friendships among the managers.
The managers also have crucial responsibilities such as filling up water jugs and bottles during practices and games, loading and unloading heavy materials like the blue bins filled with pads and towels, and conducting jersey checks to ensure all numbers are accounted for. They ensure uniforms are ready to be handed out and some even record the games for the players to watch and study their plays.
Overall, the managers are essential to the Raiders’ success and help keep everything running smoothly. Their hard work supports the players and builds a strong sense of community among the team. By sharing these experiences, they show that teamwork is important both on and off the field.