The Stevens Film Club was established in September 2024, by Hayley Cunnigham and Lauren Tilles. Since its fruition, many Stevens students have attended and raved about the club. “I was always interested in film. I’ve always loved films, ever since I was a little kid. It was something my family and I used to bond over,” and “I just thought it would be a fun way to get people together and enjoy the end of the day.”
Some of the Film Club members described what they like best about the club and spoke highly of the group of people involved. Lewis Carlyle said, “The people there are really great, and I think it’s very fun to share my enjoyment of certain films, and the pieces of cinema that so well capture human emotion.” Two other members of the club Mateo Vargas, and Seth Biegler also said they like the friend aspect of the club, getting to know new people and watch new movies with them.
The film club advertised using posters, specifically referencing La La Land, which garnered attention for the club. Movies are chosen by vote, and then watched and reviewed, creating a space for all students to share their opinions and feelings on the movies. All members of the Film Club interviewed had emotional connections to film, either newly found from the club, or ingrained in them from before.
The Club, who meets in Mr. Garcias room after school, sometimes has Elks Theatre popcorn for movie watchers to snack on. The creators of the Film Club hope to attend more events and continue the club, long after they leave Stevens High School.