Congratulations to Hunter Elwess and Nadya Ciazynski for being chosen as Stevens Raiders “Performers of the Week!” Here are their nominations:
Hunter Elwess (Choir): Hunter represented Stevens HS at the South Dakota All State Chorus earlier in November. He was also selected for National ACDA Honor Choir which will take place in March in Dallas, TX. Hunter is very active on the stage and loves to perform. Hunter is a leader in the tenor section of both Concert Choir and Singers. He maintains a positive attitude and is fun and lighthearted to have in class.
Nadya Ciazynski (Choir): Nadya represented Stevens HS at the South Dakota All State Chorus earlier in November. She has taken on leadership in creating and teaching choreography for Singers. Nadya lights up the stage with her smile and energy when she performs. She is a leader in the soprano section in both Concert Choir and Singers. Nadya is ambitious and auditions for any opportunity that presents itself. Nadya has also volunteered to sing the National Anthem for many events.