Has anyone ever told you that Junior year is the hardest year of high school?
Well, it may not be as scary as it seems. Junior year does come with more responsibilities and growth, but it also comes with new possibilities. Juniors Brecken Thompson, Everley Peterson, and Mattie Waltman gave their thoughts on their first semester of Junior year.
“My favorite part of Junior year is having free periods and having our teachers trust us more because they don’t think that we’re as irresponsible” Thompson states. “Finally being an upper classman and being able to have more free periods” are Everley Peterson’s favorite things about Junior year.
Free periods seem to be a fan favorite among the Junior class, and many people recommend taking free periods so that you don’t overload yourself and get burned out.
“I don’t think it is the hardest year, I just think it is a little stressful to figure out college and what you want to do” Peterson states. Junior year includes many things to help you become ready for life after high school. Yes, it may be stressful, but it is good to start thinking about it early. “I would say that Junior year is not the hardest year so far because I’m taking classes I’m interested in, and I’m having fun” Waltman says.
Junior year is different for everybody, but many Juniors are really enjoying their year so far and are excited for the future. “I am most looking forwards to all the senior activities and being the oldest in the school” Peterson emphasized. Thompson is also looking forward to all of the fun Senior activities.
Extracurricular senior activities like senior sunrise/hike, senior photos, and many others have been a major hit in Stevens High School, and we hope that those trends continue in future years.
“I’m looking forward to finalizing college ideas and having limited classes” Waltman states. College prep is a big part of Senior year, and even though some people don’t want to go down the college path, Senior year will teach you many important life lessons.
Giving advice to incoming Juniors will make the transition for them easier and may potentially make things less nerve racking for them. “Stay on top of your work and try and stay on your teacher’s good side” Thompon says. Waltman states, “Do your work and try your best in all your classes, because grades do matter in the end”.
Junior year may seem very scary, between thinking about college, staying on top of your work, and striving to meet your goals. Just remember to try your hardest and look on the positive side. The next time someone tries to tell you that Junior year is the hardest year of high school, just remember that many Juniors think the complete opposite