Congratulations to Jessa Griswold and Jack Gunter for being chosen as Stevens Raiders “Athlete of the Week!” Here are their nominations:
Jessa Griswold (Basketball): A starter for the girls’ basketball team this season, she is a great defensive player. Last weekend she helped us defeat Harrisburg by contributing 7 points, 3 rebounds, and an assist.
Jack Gunter (Strength and Conditioning): Jack is a Junior on the Football Team at Stevens High School. This Off-Season he has not missed an early AM or after school PM Strength & Conditioning session. His 1-rep maxes have increased significantly in the main lifts of Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Incline Bench, Clean, & Snatch. His speed-session times have continued to get better as well. Jack’s work ethic is phenomenal. He continues to set a great example for the younger student-athletes also.
We look forward to seeing all of his Off-Season hard work translate to the football field in the Fall for the Raiders!