Thanks a Latte!

Raider Coffee House re-opens

Calling all teachers that like caffeine!

The Raider Coffeehouse is back and opens up again next week with stipulations. According to Adviser Peggy Bias, the coffee house will be opening Monday, September 6th.  They will be open from 8:10 until 9:30.  If not enough teachers want coffee, or if one of their staff members gets COVID-19, it will shut down again.

Staff members can order coffee by calling the Raider Coffee House at ext 222 or you can come in and see them. They are located in the 9th grade lunchroom. Staff can sign up for daily delivery or just call when you want some coffee. Coffee drinkers can pay in advance or pay when the coffee is delivered. Employees earn a little money and tips are accepted.

New staff from this year and last year will receive a coupon good for one free drink

Back open starting Sept. 7