Congratulations to Barrett Hermanson and Bryn Marietta for being chosen as Stevens Raiders “Performer of The Week!” Here are their nominations:
Barrett Hermanson (Choir): Barrett is a member of both Concert Choir and Singers. He is leader in the tenor section, both with his musicianship and his positive participation and contributions to the class. He is the kind of student one can count on to always be doing the right thing. He represented Stevens at All State Chorus in November.
Bryn Marietta (Choir): Bryn is a member of both Cocnert Choir and Singers. She is a 4 year choir member and is dedicated to always giving her best effort musically in class. Bryn has represented Stevens at All State Chorus for two years and South Dakota Honor Choir for two years. She was also selected last year for Midwest ACDA regional honor choir, which was a 10-state regional event in Omaha, NE.